Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Writer's Prompt: Person in History

To restart the usage of this blog, I'm going to start doing these writer's prompts (posted on writersblock) every few days. The list e-mails me when there is a new one and I mark the good ones to be done later.
If you could select one person from history and ask them a question to which, they had to reply with an honest answer, who would you select, and what wouldyou ask them?
There are so many interesting figures in history that could be gone back to ask questions of. Go back and ask Jesus opinions on the various translations and interpretations of His words and ideas in the Bible and how they're used by churches around the globe.

I think right now, though, out of all that I would choose to go ask questions to, it would probably be one of the Founding Fathers of our nation. Even better if you could get a group of them, but I think if I was forced to choose individually it would be Benjamin Franklin or George Washington. It would be most effective to bring them to our time and let them see what our country has become and then ask a single question: What do you think of the land you founded? Is this what you intended?

The responses would be very interesting I think. Would they be disgusted, outraged, overjoyed, or just apathetic? Would they see what we have now as far as government and rights as progress or are we far off course from what they had intended at the founding of the nation?

What would Patrick Henry, the man who said "give me liberty or give me death" say about the nation that we have today?

All very interesting things to think about, wouldn't you say?

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